How to Make Japanese Mild Chicken Curry with S&B Golden Curry

How to Make Japanese Mild Chicken Curry with S&B Golden Curry

 Here's a simple way to make Japanese Mild Chicken Curry using S&B Golden Curry:

1. Get some chicken (about 1 pound) and cut it into small pieces.
2. Also, get 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, and 1 onion. Peel them and cut into small bits.
3. You'll need 2 cloves of garlic, too. Chop them up.

Cooking Steps
1. Put a bit of vegetable oil in a big pot on the stove. Turn on the heat to medium.
2. Add the chopped garlic and onion. Cook until the onions look see-through.
3. Toss in the chicken pieces. Cook until they're not pink anymore.
4. Add the potatoes and carrots. Stir and cook a bit until the veggies get a bit soft.
5. Pour in 3 cups of water. Let it boil, then lower the heat. Cover the pot and let it simmer until the chicken and veggies are fully cooked.
6. Now, take the S&B Golden Curry Sauce Mix (it's in a box) and break it into pieces. Drop it into the pot and stir until it's all melted.
7. Let the curry simmer without the lid for about 10-15 minutes. It'll get thicker.

Finishing Touch:
1. Add a little salt and pepper to make it taste just right.
2. Serve your Japanese Mild Chicken Curry on top of cooked rice.

Congratulations you've made your own Japanese curry. Enjoy! If you need help or have questions, feel free to ask.

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